Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Random Thoughts To Ponder

1) What will you do if you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?

2)Who really took the bite out of the Apple logo?

3)How does Elmo hear? Elmo has no ears?

4)Shouldn't there be a shorter word for monosyllabic?

5)Why in a country with freedom of speech are there phone bills?

6)How can there be multiple "Final Fantasy"?

7)Why do phone companies give you a number to call if your phone doesn't work?

8.)Why do "slim chance" and "fat hope" have similar meanings?

9)Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?

10)Shakesphere:"All the world's a stage." If the entire world is a stage, so...then where is our audience sitting?

That is all for now! Happy pondering!

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