Thursday, December 6, 2007

Bleach: The Diamond Dust Rebellion

It seems that the reason why I'm posting here right now is to express my recent iresistable urge for Bleach(no, not the chemical used for decolourizing fabric. It's an anime). The new Bleach movie is going to be out in Dec 22(in Japan, not S'pore ARGH!!) and I OH SO BADLY WANT TO WATCH THIS MOVIE... I admit that I enjoy watching animes but this is the first time I'm going insane over an anime movie. I feel extremely tortured now...why isn't there a channel where I could tune in to this movie?? If anybody knows if there is a website where I can download this movie a few weeks later after the release, please post it on the tagboard. Do be a kind soul and rescue me from my misery. Lols, just joking...

The Movie Trailer:

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